Rabu, 28 September 2016


Khusus bulan Oktober 2016 dapatkan free/gratis sewa studio/latihan band untuk ketentuan sbb : 5x latihan FREE 1 jam. 10x latihan FREE 2 jam. Tarif per SHIFT / 2 jam Rp. 50,000,- Buruan boking via WA/SMA di 081615444491.
Spesifikasi Studio sbb :

B/L Guitar Rytem H&K Head + Cabinet
B/L Guitar Lead Marshall JCM-2000 Head + Cabinet
B/L Bass Gallien Kruger Head + Cabinet
B/L Keyboard Peavey KBA-300 Combo

Guitar Lead Custom
Guitar Rytem Custom
Guitar Acustic
Bass Musicmann / Square custom
Keyboard KORG Triton
Stand keyboard lipat
Effeck Zoom / KORG

Sonor force 2001 (snare, kick, tom1, tom 2, low tom, floor)
Cymbal : Hi-Hat, Crash, Ride, China & Splash
Double Pedal Kick Drum

Rental Soundystem kami memberikan free/sewa sound *) untuk per 1000 watt, anda mendapatkan free alat sound sbb :
1. Mixer Yamaha MG166CX / Behringer Xenyx 10 channel microfon = 1 unit
2. Speaker aktif Beta3 UB3 = 1 pasang
3. Microfon SM-58 = 1 unit 
4. Microfon Wireless = 1 unit
5. CD/DVD/VCD player. = 1 unit.
Buruan boking free cukup tlp/sms ke hp. 081615444491-0315950374 mumpung bulan promo Oktober 2016. Untuk tambahan alat2 lain kami menyediakan sbb :
1. Subwofer 1x18" / 1x15" model reflek/turbo.
2. Microfon dynamic extra.
3. Backsound/backline Peavey KBA-300.
4. Aksesoris : Compressor, EQ, BBE, DSP, Multigate, dll.
5. Paket Elektone, live Band, dll.

*Catatan : Syarat ketentuan berlaku (angkutan/pikup dari pihak penyewa)

Sabtu, 09 Januari 2016

EQUALIZER dbx 231 best seller

Baru dateng Equalizer dbx 231 size 2 U, 31 band/oktav, Travo donat(toroidal), Paling laris, Paling Hemat, Praktis dan Low Budget. Made in China (ACE). Cocok utk instalasi Live, Monitor, Electone, Karaoke, Meeting Room, Kantor. Harga promosi Kami jual udah termasuk OKIR (Surabaya). Buruan pemesanan hub. telp/WA. 081615444491 PIN BB. 743A2b05.

Bagi pelanggan di area sidoarjo, kami membuka lapak di bengkel CARPIT (auto wash) jl. Pagerwojo A-11 Sidoarjo samping ALFA MIDI/taman kiara/depan perum magersari SDA.

Pelanggan setia akan kami respon cepat baik itu sms/tlp/bbm/wa. Tidak tipu menipu, bisa dateng ke alamat lapak kami pk 09.00 s/d 17.00 WIB.

Kelengkapan :
1 Unit Equalizer
1 Unit cable AC, Buku Manual.

• Dual 31-band, 1/3-octave Constant Q frequency bands
• Switchable boost/cut ranges of ±6 or ±12 dB
• Front panel bypass switch
• ±12 dB input gain range
• 4-segment LED ladders for monitoring output levels
• XLR and TRS Inpts and Outputs
• Frequency Response of 50kHz

1. Pastikan penjual memberikan penjelasan dan detail teknis barang agar pembeli tidak ragu.
2. Pembeli harus pro aktif utk menelfon pada no tlp/hp yang tertera.
3. SMS/BBM/Masseger tidak menjamin transaksi aman.
4. Biasakan dan usahakan untuk COD bertemu dengan penjual dan pembeli.
5. Bagi pelanggan baru, bertransaksilah dengan nominal yang tidak terlalu mahal.
6. Perhatikan harga barang, jangan membeli dgn nominal/harga yang tidak realistis. Selalu mencari pembanding harga lain yang lebih realistis. Kalo memang mahal akui mahal tetapi kalo murah jangan cepat mengatakan murah.

Selasa, 19 Maret 2013


DIJUAL : EQ ASHLY CHINA GQX3102 31band/oktav 3 U Harga dibuka Rp. 2.100.000 (NEGO) siap kirim luar dan dalam kota. Khusus area surabaya bebas OKIR. Berikut fitur EQ sbb :

Our graphic EQs utilize Wein-Bridge filters using precision components and our specially designed summing amplifiers provide extremely accurate response, low noise, negligible distortion, and excellent immunity to magnetic fields. All filters exhibit true constant“Q” response, with absolute minimum ripple.

The GQX-3102 features two channels of 31-band 1/3-octave EQ, tunable high-pass filter circuit, switch-selectable cut or boost of either 6 dB or 15 dB and 10-segment, two color LED meter displays, and clip LEDs. The full-throw 45mm faders have a metal-shaft with the center detented position utilized as an “on/off” switch for that filter to minimize any possible degradation in signal noise levels.

The MQX-2310 uses the same precision filter design and summing circuitry as the GQX Series, with each filter exhibiting true constant “Q” response. The center-detented position of each fader acts as an on/off switch for its filter, ensuring absolutely flat response and high signal-to-noise ratios. A full 25 mm throw makes use of every last bit of panel space so that small panel size doesn’t compromise resolution. The additional range and incredible accuracy of this fader allows for ±15 dB of amplitude adjustment on each individual filter. The MQX-2150 features two channels of fifteen-band 2/3 octave equalization and a switchable high-pass filter. The MQX-2310 features two channels of 1/3 octave EQ.

Sabtu, 02 Februari 2013


jack neutrik akai mono NP2C KW-1 pas utk jack microfon, rack aksesoris, lain2. Harga ecerah Rp. 7500 Partai aku diskon min. 30. Melayani antar/kirim ke alamat sby-sda.
HUB : Heri 081615444491-70333481-72386223 PIN BB : 218C594C

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Dijual Jack Canon BMA presisi cocok buat microfon cable. Keperluan elektone, pidato, aplikasi rack equipment. Tidak perlu mahal2 cukup beli eceran hanya Rp. 12.000 ambil quantiti min 10 pasang aku beri diskon Rp. 11.000,-. HUB : Heri 081615444491-70333481-72386223 PIN BB : 218C594C

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